9 reasons why we make sustainable clothing locally

What does "Made in France" mean?

image trois fille bleu blanc et rouge

In Europe, origin marking is not mandatory for non-food products. A manufacturer can choose to use the indication "Made in France" for clothing or NOT.

If he chooses to use the indication "Made in France or Made in Germany", he must still follow some rules, otherwise the Directorate General of Customs and Indirect Taxation (DGDDI) and the Directorate General of Competition, Consumer Protection and Anti-Fraud (DGCCRF) may impose fines for fraudulent labeling.

These rules or conditions include: "the added value of one or more manufacturing stages must be located in France and this value must be at least 45% of the cost price" and "the last substantial transformation must have taken place in France." Even if the raw material for a garment comes from another country, the MADE IN FRANCE label can be applied if the piece is fully assembled in France.

As a manufacturer, you can request information about Made in France (IMF) from French customs. This issues a certificate attesting that your garments were indeed made in France. This is the case with Aatise. We have requested an IMF from customs for our products to guarantee that we comply with the rules in force regarding the origin of our products.

Beware of "Greenwashing".

Many retailers or brands give the appearance that their clothing is made in France,

  • A label: "Design in France".
  • By the blue/white/red flag without the endorsement of made in France.
  • No origin note, but with a product (blue/white/red) that gives the impression that it is made in France.

Why are clothes made in France more expensive ?

Consumers are increasingly demanding more local consumption that avoids objects traveling around the world one and a half times without you.

For the last twenty years, clothing has been produced almost exclusively in low-wage countries and sold at discounts throughout the year. An uninformed consumer no longer has any idea of the real value of a locally made product.

The price difference between a product made in France with lower profit margins throughout the production and value chain and a fast fashion product seems "unjustified" and does not encourage the consumer to buy locally produced products.

However, hourly rates vary between €6 and €46 even between European countries.

Every product you buy can make a significant contribution to sustainability!

Here are 9 reasons to buy locally produced garments - local fashion ?

Footprint CO2 Aatise

1. Search for a meaningful consumption

Buying in Europe produced textiles gives meaning to our daily lives, with objects that do not come from the other side of the world.

These products are also a guarantee of quality for the consumer.

Emploi Aatise

2. Boosting employment

If the European consumers would decide to buy 10% of their products made in France, 150,000 jobs per year could be created according to a 2015 FIMIF study..

This would boost employment and support French companies.

Droit du travail - Icone

3. Respecting human rights

In Europe, human rights are guaranteed by strict labor laws and solid social protection.

In other countries, workers sometimes have neither rights nor social protection.

Absence de produits chimique dangereuses

4. Guarantee the exclusion of dangerous products on health

Since 2018, the European Union has banned products that can cause health problems in textiles such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons or dichloromethane.

Increasingly strict environmental and health laws ensure that there is no exposure to products that are hazardous to health. See link to our health/environmental charter.

Emballages Aatise


For decades, the clothing sector has lost many jobs,

but young and not so young people in search of meaning want to return to manual jobs that make sense.

Prix juste

6. Fair Price

When you buy French or European products, you can be sure that you are getting a fair price that provides a decent wage for all those involved in the production and trade chain.

Consommer moins mais mieux

7. Consuming less but better

Sustainability is a criteria that is becoming increasingly important to consumers.

However, better quality is often associated with an increase in product price (in addition to higher labor costs).

Communication Aatise

8. Reducing the carbon footprint

The CO2 impact due to local transportation is often reduced, and we control the energy consumption

(use of green energy for some of our manufacturers or use of nuclear electricity for others)

TVA  Aatise

9. Traceability of products

...and information about the manufacture process of each object.

Behind each product there is a story that passionately tells the story of those who make these objects.

To learn more about our products, you can contact us through the contact form.

Where to get dressed made in France ?

Physical point of sale which proposes made in France:

If you are looking for a physical point of sale you can consult the directory of the

Collectif des magasins du made in France

or at our favorite partner stores: Here is the list of Aatise points of sale Here is the list of Aatise points of sale

If you want to order by internet you have several platforms which gather the brands which truly manufacture in France:

Marque de France